Yay for free stuff! In honor of the new photo blog launch, I wanted to thank everyone who has been helping to get the word out about Blue Trillium Photography. As a special treat, Blue Trillium is giving away a FREE photo session. The winner will get a free 1-2 hour photo session at the location of their choice, an online gallery to view and share, a high-resolution cd/dvd of their images, plus a 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 print of their favorite 2 shots. Sound good? Then don’t miss out! Tell all your friends, because when you do, you double or triple your chances to win. Here are the ways you can enter:
{1} LIKE: Go to the Facebook fan page and “like” Blue Trillium Photography.
{2} LINK: Post the link about this contest on your Facebook page.
{3} INVITE: Invite your Facebook friends to “like” Blue Trillium Photography.
Once you have completed your entry, post on the Blue Trillium fanpage Wall that you LIKED, LINKED, or INVITED. Just LIKE, and you are entered once; LIKE and LINK, and you are entered twice. If you complete all 3, then you are entered 3 times. Score!
The Giveaway closes on September 20th at 11:59pm and the winner will be announced on Tuesday September 21st.
Giveaway winner must use their session by November 30th, 2010. Sessions can be held anywhere in the North Alabama area.